Responsible Gambling

Responsible Gambling Code Of Conduct

All members of the Victorian Bookmakers’ Association (VBA) implement the VBA’s Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct.  Please see below for a copy of the code

Download Code of Conduct – Effective from 17 June 2024

Download Code of Conduct – Effective from 17 June 2024 (on-course only bookmakers)

Download Previous Code of Conduct dated 25 September 2020


Please see below for a list of the “Rules” referred to in the Victorian Bookmakers’ Association Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct (June 2024 version).

Racing Victoria:

  • Rules of Racing 2020 (effective 1 April 2020), as constituted by the Australian Rules of Racing made by the Australian Racing Board and the Local Rules and Rules of Race Betting of Racing Victoria;
  • Club Bookmakers’ Licence rules 2010 (effective 1 August 2019);
  • Bookmaker Sports Betting Rules 2007 (effective 1 August 2019);
  • Bookmakers’ Telephone Betting Rules 2001 (effective 15 December 2016);
  • Bookmakers’ Internet Betting Rules 2001 (effective 15 December 2016);
  • List of Approved Bet Types;
  • Victorian Bookmakers’ Policies;

(available at

Harness Racing Victoria:

  • Bookmakers and Betting Rules, contained within the Local Rules (Victoria) of the Australian Harness Racing Rules (effective 1 March 2008);

(available at

Greyhound Racing Victoria:

  • Betting and Bookmaker Rules (effective 1 October 2017); and

(available at:


Conditions attaching to a Permit, as administered by the Department of Justice and Community Safety, Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing.

(available at
